Lessons from my Bachelorette in Sedona

We danced, we watched stars from a hot tub and then jumped into ice cold pool, we meditated and prayed, we had long conversations over tea and red wine, we danced to awaken the energy of earth, water, fire and air. There were so many moments where I felt an overflowing sense of gratitude and love. I feel so lucky to experience the closeness, love, warmth, and appreciation that women can provide for each other.

How to Plan Successful Wellness Transformation

P.S. I’m not the only one serving up wisdom at the Academy. From health, nutrition and fitness to creativity, productivity, spirituality, relationships and parenting, hundreds of extraordinary teachers are sharing their expert advice on everything that goes into optimizing our lives – all in one place!

5 Stages Of Changing Unhealthy Behaviors That Keep You Unhappy In Your Body

Bingeing, overeating, eating too much bread and pasta, not exercising, drinking, smoking, engaging in self-hate rants… Whatever it is for you, once we identify the behavior we want to change, we aim to go from 0 to 100 in one day. From bingeing every night to never doing it again. From not exercising, to exercising for an hour 5 times a week. From not eating veggie to eating only veggies. From overeating to eating perfect portions all the time. You get the picture. We aim for a 180 turn right away. This approach while works for some sets many for a failure and disappointment.

The Story Of A Girl Who Split Her Jeans

This is published with a permission of one of my clients who sent me this in an email. It touched me so much that I wanted to share it with you. So many of us get upset at our body when clothes are too snug, when jeans don’t fit, when dresses don’t look good. We focus on the negative crap and don’t notice things that are great, beautiful, and at times even amazing!

'Dying to Be Me' Inspiration

On Tuesday I shared some of my favorite quotes from Anita Moorjani’s ‘Dying to be ME’ book. Today you get some more inspiration quotes from this wonderful book and click on the image to watch an interview with Anita. →

Dying To Be ME

Have you ever read books that give you a strange feeling that the author is writing from your own memories?

My Mom Needs Your Support and Ideas

My mom had a heart surgery when she was 7 years old. I still remember that the story of her heart being stopped and her being supported by the machines for hours scared me to death when I was a kid. I imagined a Soviet times hospital with green walls, doctors all wearing white and my mom, a little girl then, bravely going under the knife to fix her heart.