Why You Should Make It A Year Of Falling In Love (With Yourself)

Interview with celebrity psychologist and Kind Bars Giveaway

Our relationship with ourselves (or our own selves) is the most sacred of all. It is the only life-long relationship that we have in our life time.

If this relationship is full of respect, love and trust, we become powerful, feel aligned and inspired. nadya andreevaFrom this place of internal alignment and integrity we become whole. When we feel whole there are no boundaries to what we can achieve.

This relationship between mind and body is rarely given much attention or thought but it affects all aspect of our life. It is reflected in our interpersonal relationships, in our relationship with food, in our relationship with sexuality, work, and life altogether.

I believe that every woman should be educated in the art of building a love and integrity based relationship with her body through an open internal dialogue, mindfulness practices, and compassion.

Just imagine what is possible for women when their relationship is healthy with their body? 

The world would be different if all women wake up feeling in love and connected with their body, when they trust it. There will be no overwhelm with conflicting messages about food, no comparing of your diet to others, no self-guilt and mistrust. It allows for inspiration and clarity to emerge. For the body that feels healthy and vibrant, clear and light.

Nobody knows better than your body what it needs. Your body is not your enemy. It wants to feel good, to be healthy, and to have energy. It naturally strives to be in balance. We just don’t always listen to it and don’t always support it.

I truly believe that we have a healer and a teacher inside if only we PAUSE, listen, and try to understand. If we spend at least 1/10th of the attention that we spend on reading articles and watching TV, browsing through facebook to build a dialogue with our body and to be there for ourselves, we would be able to heal a lot faster and with less struggle.

We spend a huge part of our lives turning away from ourselves. Ignoring emotions, forgetting about self-care, not prioritizing communication.

We have a huge fear of breaking the rules that someone else created for us. Even though these rules bring only pain and a sense of failure because we can’t follow them anyway.

As any relationship our mind-body relationship requires commitment from both partners, attention, and communication.

To change this negative mutually abusive relationship, it is important to be honest with yourself and evaluate the state of affairs.

Where does the relationship between your body and your mind stand right now? What are their expectations from each other? Does your mind expect your body to go, go, go without a break on no sleep and without fresh food? Does your body feel betrayed and tired?

Think about these questions and if you are not happy with the answers, let’s start rebuilding this most important relationship 1 step at a time.

I invite you to start by listening to this interview with my friend and a celebrity therapist Dr Tracy Thomas. Tracy shares her insights about healing the root cause of addiction, eating disorders, and anxiety by creating a better more compassionate relationship with ourselves.

Tracy also created a special guide to help you transform your relationship with yourself. You can download it here. A free gift has been designed just for you! Sign up for your free gift and begin a completely new relationship to your SELF that you’e going to love. You’ll also receive “SELF-Leading Strategies” and “Mindset Shifts for Every Day” to help you better Enjoy Existing.

How to Create A More Intimate Relationship with Self

Start by creating an open dialogue in the morning and asking your every cell to guide your cravings, desires, thoughts to bring forth feelings that you would like to experience. Ask your body ‘how can I support you today?’ before getting out of bed.

Strive for connection and integrity, not perfection in following the rules because your body’s needs change.

Remember that as any relationship, this one is a lifelong journey where partners can get in fights and arguments, or misunderstand each other but at the end through devotion, communication, love, and compassion you can get through anything together.

KIND Bars Giveaway

Food is one of the way that we can improve our relationship with our body. Nourishing, easy-to-digest, healing foods kind_bar_darkchocolatecinnamonpecan_2are a testament of self-love.

While most fruit and nuts bars are not the best meal option, good quality nut and spices bars recently created by Kind Bars are a great option!

Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Pecan, Madagascar Vanilla Almond, Cashew & Ginger Spice, Dark Chocolate Chili Almond , and Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt are my new favorites!

The winner of the giveaway will receive 10 various bars from the selection above.

To win Kind Bars:

  1. Subscribe to Spinach and Yoga newsletter
  2. Like Kind Snacks on Facebook
  3. Like Spinach and Yoga on Facebook
  4. Post a comment below sharing 1 step that you will do every day in improve your relationship with your own body. Tag @Spinachandyoga in your comments!

The winner will be chosen randomly on Jan 13th and will be announced on facebook and in the newsletter. Make sure that you subscribe to the newsletter so you don’t miss the news!

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