Dessert Turned Balanced Dinner

It’s been awhile since I posted any recipes. My diet is pretty simple most days and consists out of one-pot lentil and quinoa with veggies stews, salads, and soups. I’m more about functionality and digestibility when it comes to my foods rather than gourmet dishes. If it’s easy to make, simple, and easy to digest, it gets my approval.

The recipe that I about to share was inspired by a recent visit to one of my favorite vegetarian Indian restaurants in Murray Hill. I kept thinking about this dish for a few days after and tried to create my own version at home. It came out so good that I think it deserves sharing. It is an unusual combination of tastes for a Western palate – lentils, raisins, coconut, cardamom, and dates. It might sound too weird but surprisingly it tastes pretty damn good!

Single Tip That You Need For a Healthy Body And a Happy Mind

On Sept 5th, a friend of mine and a wonderful life coach, Caroline Zwick and I hosted a free conference call on mindfulness: Healthy Body, Happy Mind. With over 120 people participating and so many useful tips that we covered, it was an exciting call.

Lessons From Chocolate

I started writing this post at 10,000 feet in the air, on the way to see my family in Russia. I felt like sharing a very interesting learning experience that happened just before I got on the plane.

happy body manifesto

Happy Body Manifesto

What does a dialogue between you and your body look like on a daily basis? Be honest. Think about it for a second.

Gratitude Detox - Review

There are a few people that I really admire and look up to. They are good at what they do, passionate about their teachings, and deliver the best products into this world. One of these people is Ashley Pitman, the founder of the virtual ashram

It’s Never Too Late: Getting Fit at Sixty

Do you ever feel like it is too late to change things? That change is for young and strong, and that you deserve to be stuck in a rut? We all go through dark moments when life is just not bright enough. At times like this, nothing creates more spark than an inspirational story. Here is your inspiration cure!

Women: If You Are Looking For Affordable Wellness Coaching

Some of you know that recently I started my journey to become a wellness consultant with Wellcoaches and recently successfully passed my exams! The idea behind getting this certification was to get necessary tools and to practice my coaching skills to help those who are looking to create a better state of wellness. These tools include vision creation, goal setting, creating strategies, and overcoming barriers on the way to holistic (whole) wellness. Since the definition of wellness is different for everyone, this program focused on providing us with tools to create customized personal programs where the client takes the reigns and guides the process.

'Calm and Clean' - A Special Green Juice Recipe

Do you drink green juice because you know that they are supposed to be good for you or because everyone is doing it? How does your body feels when you drink green juices: light or bloated, tired or energized, hungry or nourished? Does your body respond the same way to all kinds of green juices or does prefer some greens to others? These are just some of the questions that you should have a very clear answer to if you are serious about finding your personal, individual, customized diet.