Digestion Helper 3 - Simple Seated Sequence

This simple yet very effective sequence will increase blood circulation to the entire digestive system, pancreas, large and small intestine and help stimulate elimination system.

Digestion Video - Agnisar Kriya

This simple yoga technique will help detoxify and cleanse your body, stimulate digestion, and get your digestive system to work at its optimum level.

Mind Body Green Introduction

My friend and a yoga pal Jason Wachob, the co-founder of a growing wellness community Mind Body Green asked me to write an Introduction to Ayurveda for Beginners. Even though it took a while, it is finally up! Look it up here!

Cooling Through Yoga Practice

My last YogaCity NYC article focused on increasing metabolism efficiency and improving the functioning of the internal human thermostat. Read and watch the video!

Yoga Nidra - Secret to a Restful Sleep

Have you met people that sleep 5 hours and then run around like an energizer bunny the entire day? Or did you ever feel tired even after 8-9 hours of sleep?

A Rare Opportunity to Meet a True Yoga Guru

Some people say that it is hard to practice yoga in a hectic and busy life of New York City. But I could not disagree more! New York yogis have access to the largest variety of studios, amazing teachers, NYC focused yoga publications, and great yoga deals. What’s more is that even world-renowned Swamis, Yoga and Meditation Masters, famous spiritual leaders come to NYC on a regular basis to share their knowledge saving New York yogis time, money, and a trip to the other part of the world. There is not much more that a yoga student could wish for… Take advantage of this great opportunity to listen to the discourses and learn form this wonderful teacher in the upcoming weeks:

Avoiding the Blues of a Rainy Day

A few weeks ago I wrote an article at http://www.yogacitynyc.com about keeping the energy levels up when it is gloomy and rainy outside. It seems particularly relevant today – it’s been raining all night and doesn’t seem to stop…