PCOS: What I Did To Balance My Hormones

Since the email about my story with PCOS I have been getting messages from you asking for help and advice. Many of you also want to know exactly what I did to overcome it.

Should You Eat Meat? An Ayurvedic Perspective

When I started doing yoga as a 12 year old and entertained myself with the idea of reaching enlightenment by the time I grow up, the idea of proper diet was starting to take a firm hold in my mind. Yogic texts that I read spoke about a pure sattvic diet that was mandatory for a true yogi. Meat, animal flesh, eggs were considered dull, heavy, impure. They were not supposed to be on a yogi’s menu.

Should You REALLY Follow Food Combining Rules?

A few days ago I had an article published on Mind Body Green about seven different holiday foods that can cause bloating, constipation and fatigue. I am talking apple pie a la Mode, pork roast with potatoes, cheesecake with fruit and other favorites.

Healthy Halloween Recipes

It is that time of the year again… endless chocolate, candy, cupcakes and cocktails. Plus some serious pressure to look good in barely there Halloween costumes. Sugar and tiny sexy costumes don’t make a good combo. Besides all the extra calories, sugar tends to create bloating, adversely effect skin (pimples anyone?), and increase water retention. So unless you are planning on wearing a full coverage ghost costume, it is a good idea to stock up on healthy fiber and protein rich guilt-free treats. Who said that you have to deprive yourself?!

My Personal Detox Diary

It’s been 5 days since I got back from my Panchakarma retreat at the Ayurvedic Institute in NM. Panchakarma is a traditional ayurvedic detoxification program. It includes a specific diet, treatments, and an herb regimen.The goal is to help the body get rid of the waste and come back into balance.

Food Rules, Restrictions, And Side Effects

What do you think would happen if you gave up your rules around food? What if you ate what you wanted, when you wanted, as much as you wanted and exercised also only when you felt like it? Do you think you would turn into a fat immobile pumpkin? Would you be brave enough to ever see what would actually happen?