Taking Advantage of the Angry Storm

Cook and Cuddle

While Irene is raging and we are encouraged to stay inside the safety of our homes. I think it is a great opportunity to take our time to truly rest and restore.

It might sound counter-intuitive but bad weather outside can help to create peace and balance on the inside. Let’s see how 🙂

Usually after a busy work week most of us have a lot of errands and a good-size to-do list for the weekend. So the running never stops: from a crazy work week we hustle into the weekend that turns out even crazier than the prior 5 days.

This weekend weather is dictating us, the East coasters, what to do. Instead of being angry and upset about something that you can’t change, surrender and make the best out of it!

While being stranded inside for almost 2 days, you have a lot more time to yourself than usually. It’s a good opportunity focus on things that bring true joy and happiness. For someone it can be cooking wholesome meals, for others it can be cleaning out all the clutter and creating more space, or reading inspirational books and memoirs. The list is endless but to give you some ideas I will share my storm entertainment and balancing plan:

2 days of home-made vegetarian meals. Living in NYC it can be tempting to order in or eat out all the time. It is pretty cheap and it saves a lot of time. However, nothing heals and nourishes the body as wholesome home-cooked meals that are prepared with love and care to your body. Try some of these recipes and share your favorites in the comment section!

Yoga and meditation practice without a rush. I practice yoga every morning but sometimes the pressure of a huge to-do list gets me of the mat quicker than I would want. If you feel like you never even have time to practice yoga or meditation at home, try these websites for help: www.yogaglo.com – first 15 days are free and they have a huge list of claSses; www.doyogawithme.com – all classes are free; or www.myyogaonline.com

Get creative with new workouts. Bad weather is not a good excuse to lay on the couch with a bag of chips and use an excuse that all the gyms are closed. Bex has a ton of videos to help you get your cardio without leaving the comfort of your home. I was jumping along with her near my laptop while in Russia

Read some of the books that were put on hold and browse through inspiring articles on MindBodyGreen and CrazySexyLife. If you have kindle or can still run to a bookstore, get Claudia Welch’s ‘Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life’. A must-read book for all women looking to cure PMS, PCOS, and other hormone related disorders. Share your favorite inspirational reads! I am always looking to expand my reading list :).

Spend some quality time with your loved ones. Gloomy sky and possible power outages are very conducive to cuddling;). Even if there won’t be any power out-ages, turn off the lights, get some candles, and hide under the blanket!

What are you planning to do during the storm?

Stay dry,


Power Up Baklava Eat in a Rush or Skip a Meal?