My Favorite Teas for Bloating, IBS, and Regularity

I love talking to people on Spinach and Yoga facebook page. Recently one of Spinach and Yoga followers asked me about my favorite teas to soothe stomach. I replied almost right away but kept thinking about the topic for the next several days.

A Simple Answer To Most Digestive Problems

For a long time I have been noticing that not everything that I eat makes me feel equally well. The more I pay attention to my stomach before and after food, the more information my body provides. While I am still learning to decipher my body’s feedback, one finding keeps emerging more often than others: THE SIMPLER THE DISH, THE LESS ENERGY IT REQUIRES TO DIGEST. Which means, I have more energy left to do other things like write, think, teach, do yoga, and just enjoy my life.

How To Improve Digestion and Reduce Stress with Ayurveda

With the Happy Sexy Belly program running full course all my thoughts are on digestion and ways to improve it. I do my best to share the most effective tips on improving the feeling of digestive un-ease with my students. I share what worked well for me, what I learned from my teachers, and read in my favorite health books.

Energy, Happiness, Immunity and Gut Connection

“You are what you eat”. Most likely you heard this statement a hundred times throughout your life. Various nutrition experts, doctors, your mom, or maybe an annoying health-obsessed foodie at work repeat this statement like a magic curse.

eating in a rush

Easy To Digest Foods For Stressful And Difficult Days

A lot of people tell me that they are confused and overwhelmed when choosing the foods that are best for their body. They say that their body is unpredictable in its response to certain foods. Sometimes dairy feels ok and other times it causes fatigue and bloating, sometimes nuts feel grounding and nourishing and other times they sit in the stomach like a brick.

A Way To A Happy Sexy Belly

If you have been reading my blog, you know that I am all about healthy efficient digestion. I strongly believe that we are what we digest, that our health depends on how we assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste.

10 Belly-Friendly Snacks For Sensitive and Bloated Tummies

Last weeks article on constipating snacks stirred up some emotions and got quite a bit of attention. If you missed it, you can read it here. It’s great to see that so many of you are interested in improving digestion and regularity.