What Are Your Favorite Health and Wellness Websites?

Share Yours!

There is so much information available to us nowadays! To avoid information overload but at the same time make sure that you don’t miss out on valuable knowledge, I wanted to share my favorite go-to wellness and health websites.

Please share yours in the comments, too! I would love to check them out! There is always so much to learn 🙂

The Best of Ayurveda on The Web

If you are looking to learn about ayurveda but feel overwhelmed by the abundance of the material online, this list of the best ayurvedic websites will come in handy.

  • Joyfulbelly – An ayurvedic website founded by John Immel, one of the brightest ayurveda personalities out there. Combining his technological skills and his ayurveda knowledge John created a wonderful go-to resource for anyone interested in the ancient science of life. His website Joyful Belly has everything from dosha tests, to dosha appropriate foods and recipes. John also offers home-made ayurvedic teas and formulas. There are regular tele-seminars and workshops that everyone can sign up for or you can opt for a more personalized skype session with John.
  • Fran’s House of Ayurveda – a masterpiece of ayurvedic cooking. A unique feature about the Fran’s website  is that she offers variations to make the dish suitable for each dosha and explains why certain ingredients are better for a specific dosha. Fran also shares some tips of dosha specific yoga poses, meditation, and personal experience with ayurveda.
  • Ayurvedic Institute in NM, the home of Dr Vasant Lad
  • Vixi – a virtual ashram full of health and inspiration from Ashley Pitman
  • Monica Bloom
  • Holistic Online This website offers great dosha tests and ayurvedic diet guidelines
  • Life Spa website of John Douillard on ayurveda and general health
  • Yoga Chicago – a great yoga, ayurveda, and spirituality resource
  • Robert Svoboda
  • David Frawley
  • Ayurvedic Healers

My Favorite Health, Wellness, and Cooking Websites


Sometimes life gets busy, difficult, and even sad. The good thing that there is always light at the end of the tunnel! I love reading inspirational books, thoughts, and life stories. Happy beautiful images can do the trick, too. If you are an inspiration junkie, check out these websites:

Favorite Yoga Websites

What are your favorite health and wellness websites?

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