3 Reasons Why Eating and Pooping Are A Sacred Time

Warning: I hope you are not reading this on your phone sitting on a toilet or on your laptop while you eat. If you are, please either put the fork down and finish reading or come back to the article later. It is crucial to your well-being. You’ve been warned!

How to Find Food Freedom

What percentage of your day do you spend thinking about food: what to eat, whether it is good or bad for you, feeling guilty about breaking the rules, considering a diet, reading about new approaches to diets….?

My Personal Detox Diary

It’s been 5 days since I got back from my Panchakarma retreat at the Ayurvedic Institute in NM. Panchakarma is a traditional ayurvedic detoxification program. It includes a specific diet, treatments, and an herb regimen.The goal is to help the body get rid of the waste and come back into balance.