Should You REALLY Follow Food Combining Rules?

A few days ago I had an article published on Mind Body Green about seven different holiday foods that can cause bloating, constipation and fatigue. I am talking apple pie a la Mode, pork roast with potatoes, cheesecake with fruit and other favorites.

Holiday Guidelines and Gifts. 4 Weeks Of Giveaways!

Last year I celebrated my birthday with writing 28 important life lessons and a giveaway. This year I am keeping up with the tradition and kicking it up a bit. For the next 4 weeks you will have a chance to win something healthy, useful, and beautiful every week.

Healthy Halloween Recipes

It is that time of the year again… endless chocolate, candy, cupcakes and cocktails. Plus some serious pressure to look good in barely there Halloween costumes. Sugar and tiny sexy costumes don’t make a good combo. Besides all the extra calories, sugar tends to create bloating, adversely effect skin (pimples anyone?), and increase water retention. So unless you are planning on wearing a full coverage ghost costume, it is a good idea to stock up on healthy fiber and protein rich guilt-free treats. Who said that you have to deprive yourself?!

Food Rules, Restrictions, And Side Effects

What do you think would happen if you gave up your rules around food? What if you ate what you wanted, when you wanted, as much as you wanted and exercised also only when you felt like it? Do you think you would turn into a fat immobile pumpkin? Would you be brave enough to ever see what would actually happen?

Five Must Have Spices For A Happy Belly

1 out of every 3 people experiences some sort of digestive unease on a daily basis. It ranges from an unpleasant heavy feeling, to bloating, to heartburn, to acid reflux, pain, gas, constipation, or diarrhea, burping or distension. None of these are pleasant. Most of them can have a negative effect on the way we spend our day, what we accomplish and how we feel about our body.

5 Stages Of Changing Unhealthy Behaviors That Keep You Unhappy In Your Body

Bingeing, overeating, eating too much bread and pasta, not exercising, drinking, smoking, engaging in self-hate rants… Whatever it is for you, once we identify the behavior we want to change, we aim to go from 0 to 100 in one day. From bingeing every night to never doing it again. From not exercising, to exercising for an hour 5 times a week. From not eating veggie to eating only veggies. From overeating to eating perfect portions all the time. You get the picture. We aim for a 180 turn right away. This approach while works for some sets many for a failure and disappointment.