Freedom vs discipline with food and exercise

Most of us consider willpower and discipline when it comes to healthy eating a must. How can you be without it? If you let yourself eat as much as you want and what you want, and not exercise you might end up as a fat lazy slob on the couch watching show reruns. Or would you? What if taking out our desire to control, to discipline ourselves, we start living a more in-tune and aligned life with our body and our internal wisdom?

Read This Before You Try To Lose Weight

My interview with Sarah Jenks

Fall is finally here and I just can’t wait to pull out my sweaters and leather boots.  What I love most about Fall is that it feels like the real start of the year, and a great time to make some resolutions.  Resolutions.  Just mentioning the word gives me a little anxiety.  Feelings of pressure to lose weight, guilt over what we’ve eaten or how we’ve let ourselves go over the summer can seriously raise our blood pressure.

3 Steps To The Body Of Your Dreams

You know all the theory when it comes to eating right. You know that you need to eat greens and cut down on sugar. You know that bread and chips are not healthy. You are fully aware that cookies are not particularly nutritious…