Please Meet My New Vegetable Friend

A few weeks ago I wrote about being ‘mentally flexible’ and looking for new power foods all around. Last time I found amaranth in my mother’s garden, which is used as a cattle feed in Eastern Europe. It turned out to be a power food – a vitamin and mineral rich plant that has as much protein as spinach and broccoli – up to 30% (you did know that greens have protein, right?!). Plus it tastes amazing in a hearty lentil soup or sauteed with some garlic.

Curried Kale with Sweet Peas

There are tons of variations of kale and beans online but I couldn’t find anything with peas so imagination in check I started to experiment. I was going for a curry richness, that would complement the sweetness of young peas and soften sometimes chewy kale. The result was way beyond my expectations – a perfect summer dish: light and nourishing!

Springtime Ayurvedic Shopping List

The seasons are changing and our bodies are changing along with the nature. I can usually tell when the seasons are about to change because my body is starting to ask for a different kind of nourishment. As of last week, my belly is predicting the coming of Spring! Every Thursday I try to stop by Lifethyme to get lunch. The entire winter I kept choosing the same dish: a rich medley of roasted squash, zucchini, and onions with a bean casserole. It was nourishing, warm, and very hearty – a perfect meal for a dry cold Vata season. Last week, when the weather changed from freezing cold to a slightly warmer breeze my regular lunch didn’t seem so appetizing anymore. Instead I was craving something bitter and spicy. According to Ayurveda such shift in cravings is normal during Spring time. Both ancient Ayurvedic text such as Charaka Samhita, and modern ayurvedic practitioners including Dr Vassant Lad agree that it is natural to crave foods that have bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes during the cold wet Kapha season (Spring). All the foods that are warm, light, dry, and spicy help to counter balance the heavy dull qualities of Kapha.

Feel-Good Holiday Travel Tips

This post is for all lucky travelers who are going to celebrate holidays with the family and friends or taking off to a vacation spot. Traveling is always fun and exciting but it can also get quite stressful, especially if you are flying. Packed airports, TSA screenings, and delays can upset even a tough traveler. Besides that, Ayurveda says that any movement faster than a walking speed gets the entire system out of balance. Also traveling disrupts your daily routine and often pulls you across time zones. All this aggravates the vata dosha—the subtle energy that governs movement—and leaves you vulnerable to dehydration, insomnia, sluggish digestion, anxiety, and jet lag. As a result you might feel a little spacey, irritated, and tired upon your arrival to the  destination. To make sure this doesn’t happen and that you arrive ready to party, follow these simple Ayurvedic traveling tips:
Before you leave the house:
– Take a few ginger or cinnamon tea bags with you. Both herbs have warming and calming qualities. Herbal caffeine-free tea is a good alternative to coffee and black tea since they won’t have a dehydrating effect.
– Bring healthy snacks or a home cooked meal. You will save money and your stomach. Most airport terminals still lack freshly prepared meal options. So unless you have something with you, you will end up eating a day old dry sandwich. If you don’t have time to prepare something, take a packet of instant oatmeal. You can get hot water at any terminal.
– Bring an interesting book and ipod with calm music. That’s in case you get delayed.
– Carry a Lavender pouch if you are an especially sensitive traveler. Lavender has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Navigating Holiday Dessert Dilemma

Holiday season often means a lot of desserts at home, in the office, and at all the catered events. Everyone loves a good cookie and there is nothing wrong with having it once in a while. However, having processed sugar on a daily basis can lead to a lot of unpleasant side effects besides weight gain. You might notice a few extra pimples, grayish skin tone, weaker immune system, sluggish digestion, and a LOT LESS energy. So how do you enjoy the sweets without paying for it too much both in physical and metaphysical resources? Ayurveda, as always, has an answer!

ButtaNut Recipe

The recipe was created by my friend and a yoga student Maura Miles.