Connecting in the Most Loving Way 5.29.13 in NYC

Join me and other NYC women in our fun gathering on May 29th 530-730pm in Madison Square Park. It is FREE. 

You will find me in the center (biggest) lawn on a large pink blanket 🙂

Prepare to show up authentic, open-minded, ready to connect in the most loving way!

This event is all about actively seeking out time for yourself and connection with other women. No hiding behind a plate of food or drinking to loosen up, just showing up and being present with other human beings. No agenda besides connecting and enjoying your time.

If you want to re-charge, maybe find a support buddy who is going through the same challenges of improving digestion or adopting a healthier lifestyle, to relax after a work day and re-connect with nature in the big city, or just to say hi, I would love to see you!

We do it so rarely in the modern stressed out world that we might have forgotten how to do it. If you want a few great tips on how to connect with love and authenticity, watch this heart-warming talk from one of the most unusual speakers!

What Your Body and Your Soul Really Need Should You Listen To Your Cravings?